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10 Reasons NOT To Read "Real People Don't Diet"
 Make Secret Restaurant Recipes At Home (And Fit Them Into
Your "Real People Don't Die t" Strategy)
How'd you like to finally get your hands on the recipes for all those
restaurant meals you just love?
Now's your chance!  :-)
It's good can pick up a copy of this cookbook, find your
favorite dishes from favorite restaurants, and eat great while eating
in.  You'll save money, and you'll lose wei ght, too.  You can keep the
portion sizes reasonable!

Well, April 15 has passed, and now I assume you're actually working
for yourself at this point.  Let's hope so!
How did tax day go?  Did you enjoy some comfort food without
busting your waistline?  I got some great feedback from folks who
enjoyed my "1040 Tips", so I'll have to remember to make it an
annual event.
Guess what the temperature was last night?  Barely 40, and pouring rain.
Guess what it'll be this coming Saturday?  85 degrees!!!  Can you
believe it?  I am so happy.  The flip-flops may be out to stay.
I saw a clever article in a catalog that was titled "27 Reasons NOT To
Buy..." (insert product here).
Well, I thought I'd riff on that a bit and do my own article entitled "10
Reasons NOT To Read 'Real People Don't Die t' ".  Here goes:
1)  You absolutely love die ting.  Love, love, LOVE it!
2)  You're successful every time you die t.  That is, until your wei ght
creeps back up, and you have to start die ting again...
3)  You think frozen die t dinners are fabulous!  You want to eat them for
the rest of your life!
4)  You don't like snacks or desserts--and are pretty confident you never
5)  You honestly believe Twinkies should be the fifth food group.
6)  You think feeling great about yourself isn't really all it's cracked up to be
and would much rather feel guilty all the time.
7)  You'll never eat out, so it really doesn't apply to you.
8)  You'll never go on vacation, so it really doesn't apply to you.
9)  You'll never celebrate another holiday, so it really doesn't apply to you.
10)  You're NOT a Real Person!
Okay, there you have it.  I tried to be funny.  Hope it worked.
Spring cleaning time?  Yikes.  I can't say I enjoy it, but it sure feels good to knock down those cobwebs, open some windows and clean the corners.
If you're tackling cleaning for a day, don't forget to eat regular meals loaded with protein and fiber.  It'll give you the energy and endurance you need.
Extra carbs and sugar will just slow you down after an initial rush. Avoid those sugary drinks, too!  
Once you're done with your to-do list, THEN you can sit down in your nice,
clean home and enjoy a treat.
Happy spring!
That's it for now...another dance competition this coming weekend and, of
course, multiple baseball games.  But now I can bring sunscreen!
Have a great week!


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