It's absolutely gorgeous here right now. It looks
like a winter wonderland. We've had nearly a foot
of snow, and tomorrow we're heading off to Killington
in Vermont for a family day.
We're all learning how to snowboard. Turns out my
cousin's girlfriend is an instructor. The kids can't
wait. I'm not sure whether they're more excited to
see Mom and Dad doing faceplants or to just try
snowboarding for themselves...we'll see!
Just a quickie this week...
Those of you that have read "Real People Don't
Diet" know how I feel about low-carb diets (or any
diets, for that matter).
You also know that my husband and I have one
rule when it comes to vegetables: eat all you can
So when I heard a news anchor interviewing an "expert"
this past weekend regarding a new study that shows
vegetables and beans that are high in carbs can still
help you lose weight, I had to smile to myself.
Even if corn or peas or potatoes have carbs, aren't
they still good for you? Sure they are. As long
as they aren't lathered in butter or heavy cream. As
long as you're eating them in moderation (especially
when it comes to potatoes).
And it's nice to know that all those beans in my chili
are healthy, just like I thought. Still, not a great food
to have just before sharing close quarters in social
Surprisingly, the study also showed that the colder the
veggies were, they healthier they were. (I suppose this
makes all those "raw foods" people happy?)
So those of you eating the RPDD way, please join me by
raising your fork full of mashed potatoes and peas and
say, "Cheers".
Just make sure you have more peas than anything else on
your plate. :-) And no soda.
I'll let you know how the snowboarding goes. Hopefully
all those potatoes will pay off.
Keep it real, and see you next week!
P.P.S. If you're interested in getting ahead financially
then you want to check out these two resources I absolutely
swear by:
Leo Quinn's "get out of debt" book:
Build your own website business:
P.P.S. There's a new website address for archived issues of
Easy to find, easy to catch up!
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