Dieting. Start Eating.
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The Importance of Sleep
Are you always tired?
Are you getting 8 hours of sleep a night? Even more importantly, are your kids getting 10 hours of sleep a night?
If not, then the report below has some very sobering information for you.
You may have heard that getting enough sleep is crucial to losing
weight. That's true, and this article explains the science behind the
You probably also know that sleeplessness affects your mood and
cognitive abilities. Again, you'll find out exactly how that
But frankly, until I read this article, I didn't understand how
important sleep is when it comes to our kids' cognitive
development--and our own mental well-being.
My first thought upon reading this was: "I have to be stricter about bedtime for the kids."
My second thought was: "How many times have I driven while sleep-impaired?"
For a few years I struggled with vague, gloomy feelings, even though my
life is great and I have every reason to be content and happy. If
you struggle with this, too, then the above article will help you
And, of course, if you're finding that your weight loss isn't going as
fast as you'd like, you may want to examine your sleep habits.
I hope you find the sleep article as helpful in making lifestyle
changes as I did. It's perfect timing for some New Year's resolutions
regarding bedtimes!
Here's the link again:
Speaking of New Year's, do you have your 2008 daily planner yet?
Last week I mentioned my friend Tammy's unique Bizzimom planners
with fold-out pages. She still has 2008 planners in stock, so go
there now to pick up yours and have it ready to go on January 1.
I know folks who've bought them as gifts and received them as
gifts--they were a big hit. So if you need something for a friend
or tough-to-buy-for relative, consider a planner. It's unique!
Or, you could buy them a copy of "Real People Don't Diet", and tackle your weight loss goals together. :-)
That's all for this week. Thanks for reading. I know you're
probably very busy wrapping and shopping and baking and running errands
this time of year.
Have a great day and see you next week...
Keep it Real,
P.S. Get an early start on your 2008 debt goals:
P.P.S. Start your own online home business by building a content website. See how others have done it here:
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Copyright (c) 2007 and Cate Brizzell