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The Don't Diet Digest
...It's Real-Life Stuff

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Jellyfish Stings
Patriot Day


I feel like I've been away for ages!

I decided to take last week off from the "Don't Diet
Digest", for various reasons.  First, we had just
returned from vacation.  Second, we started school on
Labor Day.  And last but not least, I was suffering
from a delayed allergic reaction to a jellyfish sting
I sustained the first full day of vacation!

I read on the internet that the stings could be treated
with either urine or vinegar to ease the pain and itching. 
I opted for Claritin and hydrocortisone cream.  :-)

Today is Patriot Day, in honor of the tragic and
unbelievable events on September 11, 2001.  It always
seems to be a fresh remembrance for me.  The attacks
hit home on many, many levels.  I live in upstate New
York and have traveled to the city many times.  The
hijacked planes turned around and headed south right
over my town.  I had relatives working in Manhattan
that morning, one right across the street from the towers.
Both our dads and one of my brothers are firefighters. 
Another one of my brothers is a cop.  Back in the early
90's I worked for the Navy and spent many hours in
meetings at the Pentagon.

Is there anyone who wasn't affected?

Each year I watch live coverage from that morning.
This year I realized that my three children have never
known a world without terrorism and war, as they were
all less than five years old at the time.

I'm grateful we haven't had a day like 9/11 since and I
pray we never will again.  We all have a part to play in
making our nation a great place to live, but today I want
to salute all of you (or those you love) who serve in the
military, emergency services or law enforcement.

On to lighter subjects...

Most of you know by now that I went on vacation and kept
track of what I ate.  I don't have a scale so I don't know
whether I gained weight or not, but my clothes fit the same,
so I'm guessing I did pretty well!

If you didn't already check it out, my daily vacation food
journal is at:

While I was away, I got some terrific e-mails from readers
sharing stories of how they successfully used the Real People
Don't Diet method of eating to enjoy their vacations and
still lose weight.  (I also found out that a great many of
you vacation in Myrtle Beach, too!)

Here's one such e-mail:

"Hi Cate,

I have not lost much weight, maybe 2 lbs.  However, I feel
different.  I have lost inches especially in my belly!  My
clothes fit better.  I have energy.  And I have not deprived
myself of anything.  When I was on vacation, I had an ice
cream cone!  I would never do that when I was dieting.  I
have control over my food and my life.


I was so happy for K.!  She really "gets it".  Every time I
get e-mails like these I get all warm and fuzzy.

Do you have a success story to share?  Keep in mind the loss
of just a few pounds is still a big deal.  Do it cumulatively
over a six-month period and you'll be dropping 15, 20, 25 pounds
or more.
If you don't have a story to share then get my story and get

So now that it's back-to-school and back-to-routine time, I'm
really buckling down and getting organized.  How about you?

I'm making up menus two weeks in advance, with crock-pot and
quickie meals for the nights we have dance, baseball or soccer.
It makes it easier to shop for groceries and saves us a ton of

Speaking of groceries and money, when I was getting my first
few menus done and making my shopping list, I remembered the
e-book I bought nearly four years ago that explained a grocery
shopping system I still use to this day.

It's called "Sa-ve Thousands Grocery Shopping" and it was written
by Lana Dorazio.  After I wrote Lana and told her how much the
book helped me we became "virtual" friends and now exchange
Christmas cards.  She and her husband Vincent are really great.

Last time I checked the book was here:

Let me know whether it helps you sa-ve money, too.

That's all for today.  Don't forget to send in your RPDD
stories!  Let me know whether I can use your full name and
location.  Make up an alias if you have to!  :-)
Until next week, keep it real!

:-)  Cate

P.S.  Off-topic from losing weight but useful nonetheless...

Your kids are starting a new school year.  Why not start
a new business for yourself and earn some extra money--or
leave the rat race?  There's no easier and better business concept
I've come across than earning income with a helpful content-based
website.  Everyone has useful information they can share!

I use SiteBuildIt! (for more than one site).  SBI! is
not only a complete website-in-a-box set of tools, it's also a
total education in doing business online.  If you can devote a
couple hours a week to reading and building a website, you can
do this!

Details here:

If you have questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me!

Lose weight, and while you're at it, lose your debt!  Leo Quinn has been
my friend for over 30 years and I can personally vouch for his debt payoff
system because I've used it myself:


You can see all the archived issues of this newsletter at:

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associates, and colleagues for their review and enjoyment.
However, please do so only by sending it in full, thereby keeping
the copyright and subscription information intact.

Also, if you wish to post this newsletter to a newsgroup or
electronic discussion group, you may do so if you preserve the
copyright and subscription information. Thanks.

Copyright (c) 2007 and Cate Brizzell

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